Saturday, June 22, 2013

We Did It!

Classic 14, Baldwin Family Flyers landed at Drake field in Fayetteville, Arkansas at 1900 CDT on Friday June 21, 97 minutes before the arrival deadline.  Perhaps we would have made it if the deadline was not extended but probably not. The race rules state that if the start is delayed by four hours or more then the terminus deadline will be extended from 5pm to local sunset time.  So we were grateful for that rule and extension, and happy to arrive, thrilled with our race and excited to see Bill and Marc.  

We did four legs of the race in a day, two days in a row, flying over beautiful landscapes of the US of A.  The Rockies, the Platte and Missouri rivers, the Arkansas far from the headwaters in Lydia's home state of Colorado, the plains, rain-soaked South Dakota and dry La Junta, CO.  We had a fabulous adventure. 

More to come on the race flying and Fayetteville fun.