Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fort Collins day

Classic Racer 14 was reunited last night upon Cara's arrival at DIA.  Caroline had a smooth flight from KSVC via KLVS, flying up to FL12 to rise over Raton Pass. 

 Cara arrived on crutches after a collision on the soccer field yesterday morning. Lots of bruising and swelling, not too much pain thankfully. 
After some well deserved rest we got up to a beautiful day.  Alas the ankle is swollen!  Off we went to Urgent Care. 

X-ray showed lots of tissue swelling but no fracture!  So now a new leg decoration for Cara- the boot!
Team Baldwin Family Flyers has spent the afternoon flight planning and ankle resting. It's a hot one in Fort Collins with temperatures in the 90s. 

Tomorrow AM its off to the airways. We plan to fly up to Rawlins and then continue West. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah. Lots better. The boot is protective and supportive. Maybe a little less swollen this evening. Talk with you soon.
