Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Race day #3

This morning we watched and waited at the airport in Beatrice. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. Overnight the thunder was intense and one of the airport staff said that 4” of rain fell with the storm. The morning was drizzly and cool. All of the Racer teams camped out in the FBO anxiously awaiting VFR conditions. 

Later in the morning the drizzle stopped and the clouds started to lift. And we pulled planes up off the soggy grass. Our new Claw tie-downs are slick. 

This picture of the windsock shows the brightening sky and marshy grass. 

Throughout the morning there was much speculation about the teams that went on to Minnesota last night and also what the prospects were for continuing. Word spread that communication would come from Race Central at noon with instructions. 

We prepared the plane continued looking at conditions and forecasts. 

Soon the word came that we would skip the third leg to Faribault, Minnesota. We were to get to Galesburg, Illinois by any safe method without refueling and then restart the race there. 

So off we went to the east. How far can we get?


  1. You made it to Garibault! Great job, ladies. Your photos are beautiful!

  2. Looks like you finished!!! Congratulations!!! Looking forward to hearing about your last few days.

  3. this is a beautiful information that you have shared with us , thanks ! :)

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