Saturday, June 11, 2016

10 Days

The Race starts in 10 Days.  Yippeeee!  So exciting.

We are finishing our to-dos, jobs, projects and readying for the journey. 

Look what happened on Thursday-

Congratulations Cara! 

It's hot out here.  We are watching the Tenderfoot Fire which has been burning near the community of Yarnell about 40 miles SW of Prescott.  When I first learned of the fire on Thursday it was covering 300 acres.  As of today the report shows 4040 acres.  Bill Baldwin reported seeing smoke in the distance in Silver City!

The forecast for Prescott over the next 10 days shows high [100+ for highs!!] temperatures for next weekend when we will all be convening in the area.  Good news is that there are no significant storm systems in the forecast.  Typical late afternoon thunderstorms will pop up with SW wind. 

This morning Lydia and Chantelle attended the Colorado 99s chapter airmarking event in Longmont, CO.  Chantelle is a new friend from Laramie, WY.  She spent the past week doing glider training and ground school camp at the Owl Canyon Gliderport in Colorado, and stayed with Lydia and Marc.  The Longmont airport was full of air traffic including ultralights and sky diving.


  1. Counting the days! Bet you three ladies are excited... sounds like conditions will be good, if very hot! See you soon! Karin

  2. And HUGE congratulations to Cara!!
