Monday, June 15, 2015

Race bound journey day 1

IRClassic racer 29 flew 571 miles today from KFNL in Northern Colorado across southern Nebraska into a corner of Kansas and finally across Northern Missouri. 

Cara flew the first leg to Holdredge, NE site of a stop in the 2013 air race.  Taking off to eastern Colorado we were initially in an area of low wet clouds. Made our way around and on to Nebraska. The wind was high on the landing though mostly down the runway. Cara is an excellent pilot and following this flight needs <2 hours to make the required PIC to pilot in the ARC!  Way to go Cara

Lydia flew left seat on the next leg.  Goodness this was challenging with low clouds and rain all over the region. Crossed many flooded areas and the high waters of the Missouri River. 

Some areas with pretty rolling but low hills and very green. 

At about 3:45 we landed in Kirksville, one of the ARC stops.  Bob was very friendly and helpful.  Fueled up and reviewed the route ahead- thunderstorms all around- 

and coming this way!!

We borrowed the courtesy car and bought some batteries for the spot then pondered the skies some more. Better call it a day.  

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