Friday, July 4, 2014

ARC 2014 Terminus: melt-down, family reunions and the banquet

Post-race activities began at Capitol City airport in New Cumberland, PA which is just outside the city of Harrisburg.  We unpacked the plane, handed over keys and greeted our racer friends and family.

The local 99s and airport crew hosted a hangar party with delicious barbeque, a fun photo op and we enjoyed the company of Patti McCarthy and Peter Sissman.  Cousins Patti and Peter drove up from Alexandria, VA and were there to welcome us as we arrived at the terminus.  We were exhausted, proud, overwhelmed and happy.

Bill and Marc arrived the next day after a long trek along interstates and byways across the country.

ice cream social in the hotel lobby - Yum

On Saturday we had the pleasure of meeting with Bill's cousins Barbie and Marj, who live in the community, and their family. Cara met a 3rd cousin, Parker!  We traveled out to see the plane and view the youth activity at Capitol City airport.  Parker was able to go on a flight with a local pilot participating in the Young Eagles program.

Kathleen arrived Saturday afternoon and we readied for the banquet.

What a fun evening!  String ensemble, slideshow, recognition of sponsors, celebration of Marilyn's ARC presidency, announcement of awards and presentation of the teams.

The Baldwin Family Flyers was awarded two leg prizes and placed #15.

And we won a Spot GPS messenger.  The photo from Elko showing the ice-covered wing and a Spot decal was selected as a winner.

We are thrilled with our achievement, proud of our skill, grateful for the teamwork and family support and appreciative of the experience.

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