Sunday, June 8, 2014

Preparations continue...

The 2014 race is fast approaching and the Baldwin Family Flyers are plotting and planning. 
Since the 2013 Air Race Classic the Baldwin Family Flyers have been busy!

Cara entered her senior year at Morgantown High, graduated two weeks ago and will be enrolled at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the Fall!

Photo: Cara's Graduation!

This Spring Cara was awarded the GAMA Edward W. Stimpson Aviation Excellence Award.  Way to go Cara!

Last November we enjoyed our traditional Thanksgiving family get-together.  We celebrated Caroline and Bill's 50th wedding anniversary and enjoyed a week-long vacation in the Florida Keys.

We had a blast in Key Largo.  Swimming, cooking, talking to the pelicans, visiting with friend and fellow racer Terry Carbonell (see:

Over the winter personal projects, studies, college planning, community work, and occupational commitments kept us all very busy.

This year the Baldwin Family Flyers will fly as Classic Racer #26.  Before representation as #26, N15695 had to endure several projects.   There was the annual to take care of, checking for ADs, and we all are assigned safety training modules to complete prior to the start of the Air Race.

During the Spring Caroline worked diligently and with intensity to ready N15695 to fly as #26 in this year's race. Thanks to Helen and Linda for your support to complete the Handicap flight. Thanks to David and Larry at KSVC for your expertise with aviation and avionics.  Thanks to Fred for your knowledge, flexibility and good will.  Thanks to Bill for your everlasting love and support.  The spring has also been super busy with Literacy Link Leamos activities as well as fun with the Hi-Lo Silvers.  

Lydia secured the requisite time off from her job as manager in the ICU at Poudre Valley Hospital, a part of the University of Colorado Health.  Occasional flights in a rental 172R from The Flying School at KFNL keep the brain in aviatrix mode.  Along with husband and year-round co-pilot Marc, Lydia flew to Scottsbluff, NE in early May to scope out the 4th stop of the race.  It was breezy that day.

Isn't She beautiful!  This year we will be Classic Racer #26

Caroline and Fred placed the race numbers yesterday.  More pictures to come later this week.  Bill has been so very helpful and wonderful with a medley of tasks including cleaning, waxing, storage assistance and team migration planning.

This year our device capacity has expanded.  We will have three ipads in the cockpit!  Foreflight, weathermeister, radar apps and photo opportunities will abound!  Hopefully our tactics for keeping the mobile devices charged will be successful.

Tomorrow Cara will fly to Denver as we begin phase one of the team rendezvous.  Cheers All!


  1. Cara is en route to Denver as I type this, can't believe it's almost race time again. All the support and preparation assistance to Classic 26 BFF is much appreciated!

  2. Awesome! Thanks for posting; I enjoy hearing about it all.
